Paraylsed by thoughts of perfection

I can't even remember what I was listening to when the words "paralyzed by thoughts of perfection" caught me off guard. Made me wonder if whatever this was was talking to me directly.

I've recently been chasing a new venture of Unscripted, and completely neglected one part of it: the Creativity segment. Why you might ask? I have many many reasons... hear me out. There's so much content that is coming out nowadays, visual content, audio as well as AI-generated articles. I am neither of those things, which makes me wonder if my writing is still relevant or even has an audience at this point. It's very easy to find one of these writing tools and have it write something for you. But then that now dilutes the whole essence of authenticity of this blog. I try to write on my own and wonder, is my writing good enough? Especially for this segment, considering that I try to tap into my personal experiences and my own vulnerability. Where does all of this leave me? With a blank page, and potentially ignoring the whole segment and hoping that we will all ignore it.

But here's the thing: Unscripted has always been a dream for me, and trust me when I tell you that I have envisioned what I expect from all the segments. It's hard to ignore something that you have conceptualized, and you keep wondering how to navigate this paralysis. We live in a world that romanticizes perfection. From flawless Instagram feeds to impeccably curated lifestyles, the pursuit of flawlessness has seeped into every nook and cranny of our lives. But what happens when this pursuit infiltrates our creative endeavors?

Ha, after all these ramblings, I just have to say that perfection is overrated. It's the overbearing mother-in-law of creativity, constantly nagging and never satisfied. It sucks the joy out of the creative process, leaving you stranded in a whirlpool of self-doubt and nitpicking. It's time to ditch the overprotective perfectionist persona and embrace the wild, unruly, and liberating ride of imperfection. Embrace the wonky lines, the mismatched tones, the asymmetrical shapes! Embrace the beauty in the unexpected, the charm in the flaws, and the magic in the mess. Remember, the most captivating stories have jagged edges, the most intriguing paintings have bold brushstrokes, and the most mesmerizing melodies have offbeat rhythms.

I try different things often to free myself from these shackles of perfectionism, some of them are honestly treading unconventional lines.

  1. Embrace the 'Oops, I Did It Again' mindset: Make mistakes and relish them. They're the signposts of a daring creative journey, not the dead ends of failure.

  2. Embrace the 'Dare to Be Weird' mantra: Let your eccentricity shine through your work. Embrace the oddities that make you, well, you!

  3. Embrace the 'Screw It, Let's Do It' philosophy: Get over the fear and take a bold step. Sometimes, the best creations are born out of fearless leaps, not tiptoeing.

  4. Embrace the 'Embrace the Chaos' dance: Understand that chaos can birth beauty. Let the unpredictable, the messy, and the unexpected become the fuel for your creative fire.

  5. Embrace the 'beautiful mess': Recognize that imperfections add character to your work. Don't be afraid to let the quirky, imperfect elements shine through.

  6. Embrace the 'trial and error' dance: Understand that creativity is a journey of experimentation. Not every stroke of the brush or word on the page needs to be a masterpiece.

  7. Embrace the 'laugh at yourself' therapy: Learn to laugh at the absurdity of your own pursuit of perfection. Humor can be a powerful antidote to the self-imposed pressure.

Creativity is not about achieving perfection; it's about daring to express yourself authentically, fearlessly, and unapologetically. Your imperfections are what make your creative voice resonate with the hearts of others.


The Ebb and Flow of Creativity: In and Out of the Rut


Creative writing prompts that inspire writing