Lockdown meh: trying to stay on track

After 25483 days of lockdown in Shanghai, I can't believe I am writing about snapping out of a funk again. I essentially reached the "meh" phase of my life 2 weeks into this lockdown. If I could pin what I thought my Spring would look like on a mood board, it would be Blake Lively's Met Gala Dress, Harry Styles' new song, random stuff like Kim K and Pete Davidson, Encanto and a couple of glasses of prosecco. Something that could be directed into a trailer about my best life, "Party" by my president Beyonce would be playing in the background. It would be the perfect collection of happy moments. Such colourful dreams, I've rearranged my studio apartment at least 10 times and still have no idea when I will start living my best springtime life.

Lockdown really hit a lot of us in many ways. I feel like I have gone through the stages of grief with this. Some days have been smoother, and some have really felt meh. Staying connected, being disconnected, having a purpose, being disoriented, getting off track and getting back on it, so many ups and downs. I've been trying several things to try and find focus again and reignite the flame inside me.

Getting your groove back

When Covid first hit in 2020... lol.. okay, I am not going to reminisce, but I will mention one of the things that helped me to get back on track. I was in a group chat called Well Women. They had weekly fashion challenges. This would mean that you'd have to get out of those daytime pyjamas into actual clothes. Getting ready every day in the morning helped me renew my sense of purpose for the day. This is something I have been doing during this lockdown that allows me to get into the groove.

Clean up

I have often used cleaning up as a form of procrastination. Have a chapter to write? Clean the shower! Prepare that presentation? Perfect time for laundry! Despite having used cleaning as an excuse to not do my actual work, it helps me to actually clean up my workspace as well. I oddly feel I can focus more when my place is neat and tidy. It gives me that sense that I am actually put together, and that feeling helps me get back into working.

Being mindful

Checking in with myself has been incorporated into my daily to-do lists. I quickly get overwhelmed, so I have learned to set boundaries, especially how much lockdown content I consume. So I have started to cap it at 30 minutes a day (including conversations about it). On the days I feel very meh and just want to stay in bed for a bit and be sad, I do just that and get up when I am ready. I have also tried meditation, I can't lie. I might be the worst meditator that I know. It's been interesting having to be mindful, and if I'm being honest, I haven't entirely got the hang of it.

Schedule a time to connect with the homies

Catching up with someone you love and trust can be an incredibly therapeutic experience, especially when feeling "meh" or slacking. Whether you're looking for advice, need to vent, or just want to distract yourself, reconnecting with your community can be a powerful tool for sifting out your thoughts, releasing emotions, and increasing dopamine levels.

Be a part of a group.

This is pretty much feeding into the previous point I just put up. The joy of living in China is that there is always a group chat! I am sure there is a group chat for whatever you are looking for. You just need to ask someone to add you or start your own. I have three groups that I have come to appreciate during this lockdown. Two of them are artist collectives. My inspiration is sometimes fed through the work of others. Seeing people embrace their creativity, incorporate vulnerability into their art, sharing their work always encourages me to keep trying. There's always a community rallying behind you. The other group is very close to my heart. It started with a conversation about goals and accountability. With two other amazing ladies, we started the group Sheup &Rise. Every Monday, we have a call, which honestly has been the most energising part of my week. Setting goals and seeing through or drawing inspiration from others is always great. Being a part of these tribes contributes to my everyday high, which pushes me a little out of the "meh".


The power of storytelling


Unscripted Conversations: Mood boards and Journaling