FASHION inspired by TV


There is nothing better than a tv show with an attention-grabbing plot, but when the tv cast has an amazing wardrobe, it makes the show even more enjoyable. It’s essentially hot girl summer, which means it’s actually too hot to go outside on some days, and you just want to hot girl summer at home! This is the perfect time to catch up on some tv, and we are here to share with you some of our favourite fashion inspirations from TV.



  1. Cruella (2021)

    Okay, so this has been one of our favorite things to watch on TV! This is a 2021 Disney movie retelling the famous and fabulous villain Cruella Deville’s backstory before the events of the 101 Dalmations. Whoever directed this live-action story for the viciously stylish villainess took the job seriously! As the story of Cruella develops, it creates an excellent arc to her life in clothes. It maps out the evolution of a deranged fashionista through her design choices shown in a young version of herself where her style is softer and more deconstructed, and as she gets older, she becomes sharper and more tailored. The character grows up during the 1970s London fashion scene. Although maybe not entirely revolutionary, but the movie is quite interesting as it takes you through 20th-century British fashion history. This is definitely worth your time!

    黑白魔女库伊拉Cruella (2021)

    库伊拉是我们近期最爱的电影!这部迪士尼最新出品的电影讲述了来自电影101真狗中著名反派角色艾丝黛拉的故事。不管是谁指导了这个魔头角色的形象,他一定非常认真的对待这份工作!随着情节的发展,库伊拉的穿着很好的展现了她的成长过程。她的穿着描绘了一个疯狂的时尚达人的演变历程,从她年轻时她的风格更柔和,更解构,随着年龄的增长,她变得更锐利,更注重量身定制。这个角色在 1970 年代的伦敦时尚背景下长大,虽然可能并不完全是时尚革命意义的,但这部电影非常有趣,它带你穿越到20 世纪的英国领略当时的时尚潮流。这绝对值得一看!

  2. Killing Eve (2018-2020)

    So, an action thriller, cat and mouse, sort of drama has been something that sparked our interest in terms of fashion! Who would have thought! We are obsessed with Killing Eve andante, sometimes divided by our love for action and passion for fashion. But, we still end up staying for both. The style is genuinely outstanding and glued to the screen, waiting for each new look! After finishing the first 2 seasons of the show, we absorbed and inhaled Villanelle's style. You know how if you're a spy or an assassin, you want to blend into the background, so you don't draw attention to yourself. Villanelle refused to blend into the environment. Even though she's a professional assassin, she went all out with her fashion. She stood out from the crowd and embodied a uniqueness to her style. One of our absolute favorites was her first pink fluffy marshmallow dress – and the outfits only improved with the seasons. There are literally too many to count!



  3. Sex and the City (1998- 2004)

    It's been over two decades since Sex, and the City first aired on our screens (and changed our wardrobes, probably still does). In many ways, it is funny, witty and emotionally honest with a frank and warm look at female friendship, sex and single life. The show not only reflects reality but has shifted and shaped culture, precisely fashion. The clothes in Sex and the City broke free of fashion and began to say something about style. Four women – Carrie Bradshaw, Samantha Jones, Miranda Hobbes and Charlotte York – started trends, broke fashion rules and put brands we now know and love. From kickstarting the concept of high-low dressing to making every woman in the world want a pair of Manolos, the impact, courtesy of costume designer, was huge. The four main characters' individual styles develop over the six seasons and two films. We have devoured every single one of them and still do! And ironically, for a series where the ever-fluctuating vagaries of the latter were placed centre stage, the clothes haven't aged a bit.


    距离欲望都市播出已经超过20年了,这部剧一遍遍成为改造我们衣橱的灵感。在很多方面这都是一部有趣诙谐又很真实的反应了都市女性的友谊,性与情感生活的经典电视剧。这部剧不仅反映了现实,而且创造了文化潮流,尤其是时尚方面。欲望都市中的服装穿搭摆脱了时尚的束缚,表达每个人独特的风格。四个主角-Carrie Bradshaw、Samantha Jones、Miranda Hobbes 和 Charlotte York——他们引领潮流,打破时尚规则,她们身着那些我们熟悉和喜爱的品牌。四个主角随着六季电视剧和两部电影发展了各自独特的风格。我们正在消化她们每个人的风格,即使放到今天剧里那些穿搭也不过时。

  4. The Devil Wears Prada

    The Devil Wears Prada is still one of the most enduring representations of fashion journalism in modern memory, minus the hyperbole and inaccuracies. It seems at this time, the ’00s, high-end fashion was inescapable in mainstream culture, where we had Manolo Blahnik being a household name in Sex and the City, and Gossip Girl and the designer handbags and savvy outfits. The Devil Wears Prada is the ultimate film of this era serving as an iconic film that offers a glimpse into the fast-paced world of luxury fashion magazines, all in a cheesy rom-com package。


    这部电影可以说是代表当代时尚媒体的经典之作。可以说高街时尚是00年代主流文化中不可分割的元素。荧幕上Manolo Blahnik在欲望都市中不断出现的,还有在电视剧绯闻女孩里那些精致的设计师包袋和服装。穿普拉达的女魔头是那个时代的终极写照,用轻松浪漫的情节带你一领快节奏的奢侈时尚杂志界。

  5. The Dressmaker

    So, this one features Kate Winslet (the lady doesn't age!) as a fabulous fashionista and dressmaker who returns to her hometown in Australia to retaliate against the small-minded people after being exiled from her town for a murder she was framed for ages ago. It looks like its 1950s Vogue, female cast, gorgeous finery against a dingy landscape, their expertly tailored garments contrasting splendidly against the dust. It's a beautiful but bizarre juxtaposition. You can't talk about "The Dressmaker" without discussing the eye-popping haute couture that the film's costume designers Marion Boyce and Margot Wilson have created for the film. Traumatized by the event as a young girl, she wants to find out if she really is the killer。


    这部来自凯特温丝莱(她真的一直不老!)的代表作讲述了一个出色的高级时装裁缝回到澳大利亚老家洗清自己十岁时被诬陷一起谋杀罪名的故事。整部电影看起来像50年才的Vague大片,角色们华丽的服饰与略有昏暗的背景相映,精心的剪裁与尘土气的背景形成鲜​​明对比,优雅与离奇的碰撞。提到这部电影你不得不惊叹里面出自设计师Marion Boyce和 Margot Wilson之手夺人眼球的服饰。

  6. Valentino: the Last Emperor

    The film takes us through something about a year of Valentino's life, the last years that he served as a designer for his clothing empire. It shows us how the fashion business has changed beneath his feet. It becomes a lament for a man who seems doesn't seem to have a place anymore in a universe he helped create. Valentino: The Last Emperor certainly delivers humour with its fashion. A look into the strange and fabulous life of Valentino Garavani and his partner Giancarlo Giammetti, the film goes behind the scenes to watch the preparations for Valentino's 45th Anniversary spectacle that took place in Rome in 2007. The central plotline surrounds this event. Fashion and designing is a backdrop for the idiosyncrasies of these two fascinating men. Featuring an extreme insider's perspective on Valentino and Giancarlo as people, the film also delves into Valentino the brand. We watched this out of curiosity, and it's always amazing when you learn the stories behind some of these brands we have come to love.


    这部纪录片是对传奇的时装大师华伦天奴一生的回顾,向我们展现了时尚行业如何在他脚下改变。这部纪录片用轻松的方式带我们一窥设计师Valentino Garavani和他的搭档Giancarlo Giammetti充满传奇的生活,以及Valentino 2007 年在罗马举行的 45 周年庆典的幕后故事,同时也深入探讨了 Valentino这个品牌。我们出于好奇观看了这部纪录片,能了解喜欢品牌背后的故事总是让人惊喜。

We could explain why we like certain shows and movies, but we would be here all day. Some of our worthy mentions are The Bold Type (we swear by this one), Revenge (old, and yet the fashion still haunts us), Schitt’s Creek, Gossip Girl (the old one, we still aren’t sure yet how we feel about the reboot), House of Gucci (the trailer looks interesting), The Assassination of Gianni Versace, and Big Little Lies! Who knows, we might make another list of our favourites, but this will suffice for now!



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