Building and rebuilding: Reimagining the drawing board

We at Unscripted know the feeling all too well. We launched with a name that reflected our approach – one without a rigid plan, but fueled by a desire to create something new. It's been a wild ride, with plenty of unexpected turns and trips back to the drawing board. But here's the secret: those detours weren't failures, they were evolutions.

Let's face it, the straight path from Point A to Point B rarely exists. It's when we hit those roadblocks that the power of "reimagining the drawing board" kicks in. Even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles, we have the ability to rewrite the script. We can shift from feeling like life is happening to us, to realizing the power lies within us.

Failure as a Stepping Stone

Most of us have a knee-jerk reaction to the word "failure." We shy away from admitting mistakes, especially in our world obsessed with curated images. But here's the truth: owning your failures is a display of strength, not weakness. It allows you to learn from them. Maybe you'll discover clearer boundaries, better business practices, or even hidden needs you weren't aware of. Every misstep is a valuable lesson that shapes you into a stronger, more informed individual. One of our own failures we would note was that things grew very quickly, and we compromised a lot on our vision by trying to do everything. I stretched myself alot and it ended up becoming more stressful than it needed to be. Going back to the drawing board helped to realigning our vision, and we are excited to be working to that!

Endings are Inevitable, But Beginnings Await

Nothing lasts forever. That may sound harsh, but it's a fact. The key is how you choose to react to endings. Acknowledge them, process them, and then use them as a springboard for new beginnings. Every ending, no matter how abrupt, presents an opportunity to embrace the present moment. You are the one who decides when the final chapter of one story becomes the opening line of the next. When Unscripted was born, I never imagined that I would ever leave Shanghai. Packing it up, and moving to another country was a tough decision, but it also gave it an opportunity to grow into what it is now, in another country!

Becoming Your Best Self Through Transformation

Just like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly, we have the potential for incredible growth. The beauty of the future is that it's unwritten. Every step you take, every experience you have, shapes who you become. So, don't be afraid to turn the page and pursue something unexpected. Even if you stumble, even if it doesn't last, you'll emerge stronger, more passionate, and ready to write your next chapter.

Embrace the Expertise Around You

The road to success is rarely a solitary journey. One of the things we learnt very quickly is that its okay to ask for help. A few instances we have done this was actually reaching out to people over instagram. I have been privy to have a chat and explore some ideas with Latifa, the founder of Revv Car rental, the first female owned car rental in the UAE. She has shared some ideas and also how she has built her business. Starting the very community for Unscripted in the UAE, I had the encouragement from J’ai, the founder of House of Sorority, a women’s community as wel based in the UAE. I have sent messages to people i didnt even think would respond, and they have sent pointers and left the door open if I needed any help. I have brainstormed with friends, and also quite lucky to work with a social media manager, Rebecca Abel, who has helped give a better picture to the drawing board. All i can say is, I have been lucky enough to meet women who want to see us all at the top, no gate keeping.

Remember, we all crave stories of overcoming adversity. Embrace the detours, learn from your failures, and rewrite your script. The power to become your best self lies within you, but don't be shy about leveraging the expertise of others to fuel your journey.


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