Green Flags to Identify in Yourself

"Oh honey, that's a red flag" is something I've said countless times, and I can guarantee you that none of the situations were referring to me. It's so easy to identify the character traits we don't want in somebody else, or, worse, even have the solutions on how they can fix them so that they can be perfect for you. It's so easy to fixate on these shortcomings.

How did we even get here? At what point do we self-introspect and start thinking about how we can be green flags to ourselves as well?

This year I made it a point that I wouldn't constantly be a self-improvement project, but I did want to be a better person to myself. I mean, there's a good chance that I've made significant personal growth and am closer to achieving some life goals than I give myself credit for.

This year I made it a point that I wouldn't constantly be a self-improvement project, but I did want to be a better person to myself. I mean, there's a good chance that I've made significant personal growth and am closer to achieving some life goals than I give myself credit for.

Achieving growth goes beyond just envisioning your desired future; it requires substantial action. If you've been diligently working towards becoming the best version of yourself—whether that involves improving your relationships, health, career, finances, or all of the above—there are certain indicators you can look for to confirm you're on the right path. It's essential to keep in mind that these indicators aren't the only ones, as everyone's journey is unique.

If I wanted to feel my best and be there for the people I cared about, I knew I needed to make significant changes in my lifestyle. Over the course of a few months, I adopted habits that not only made me happier but also enhanced my health and relationships. Interested in discovering how you can infuse more joy into your life?

I don't always have it together, but I've worked myself into a space where I try to identify the green flags I have been working towards in a bid to become the best version of myself. Maybe these are some you could identify with, and we gotta give ourselves credit for working towards becoming our best selves. Looking inward and identifying such signs within ourselves is valuable. Self-awareness is the key.

Here are some of the key things I identify as green flags in becoming the best version of ourselves:

  • You've learned to set boundaries. This is still a mantra for me, but yea, one of the green flags is becoming a boundary setting pro, and following through on it. Whether it's politely declining that extra work project when you're swamped, establishing consent in the bedroom, or taking a rain check on a meetup because you aren't feeling too great, you've got this whole boundary thing down pat. You really take the time to think about what you need in various areas of your life—like friendships, romantic relationships, and work—and you know exactly why each boundary is important to you. When you set these limits, you keep things simple and crystal clear.

  • You keep promises you make to yourself. We all make sacrifices for others, but learning that filling your own cup first is essential to maintaining your career, relationships, and personal goals. This means setting realistic and specific commitments for yourself, creating a plan to achieve them, tracking your progress, and celebrating victories. You also need to treat your commitments to yourself just as seriously as you would treat a commitment to someone else.

  • You've adopted a healthy mindset where you're not in competition with others, but rather, with your past self. In a world dominated by social media, unrealistic standards, and relentless pressure to achieve more, it's easy to fall into the comparison trap. However, you've transcended this by focusing on your personal growth. Instead of competing with those around you, you use their successes as inspiration and celebrate them without jealousy. If you ever feel less-than, you've learned to shift your mindset and find more happiness in your life.

  • You identify and transform self-limiting beliefs. We all have negative thoughts that hold us back, such as "I'm not good enough," "I'll never get that job," or "I won't find the right partner." These beliefs often stem from past experiences, fear, or imposter syndrome. Whenever you catch those negative thoughts creeping in, take a moment to question them. Ask yourself, "Is this thought really true?" Often, you'll discover that it's just your inner critic playing tricks on you, and that can be a game-changer.

  • You allow yourself to feel all emotions without judgment. Becoming a pro at embracing your emotions is an ongoing journey. It's crucial to remember that everyone, even the happiest individuals, faces moments of sadness, anxiety, and stress from time to time. The key here is to continually acknowledge and process these


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