Charlotte Jane: Personal & Self Development Coach

So, this was quite an interesting one to write. Before getting into the conversations, I usually try to see how I can relate to the subject before pouring out my thoughts, as well as curating the questions. This one, however, took me a little bit of time because it had me doing a bit of digging into my previous experiences. I was amazed to find one specific piece in my memory.

This is such a significant piece, as it's something that actually led to the inception of Unscripted. I recall about two years ago wanting to start something, a community of some sort, which included writing and all the other five thousand unrealistic ideas I had. I spoke to one of my friends, and she asked if we could meet. We had a conversation, and I told her all my ideas. She said to me that I had great ideas, but I needed to center them. She recommended a coach, and I was just like, "Meh." A few days later, that chat haunted me. I wondered how to unleash that full potential and achieve the dream. Life can sometimes feel like a mysterious and winding path, right? You're not quite sure where you're going or how to get there. That's where a personal development coach comes in—they're like your trusty GPS, guiding you toward your destination and giving you the tools and support you need to succeed.

There's so much I can point to that really helped me, but one of the key things was that this interaction with the coach supercharged my strengths. While we often focus on fixing weaknesses, she helped to shine a spotlight on some of my abilities. She empowered me to harness my strengths and boost my confidence. It's like discovering your superpowers and learning how to use them for good! The best part of it is that this was not one size fits all—the experience was tailored to my specific needs and dreams.

Compiling stories from these amazing individuals, I could only dream of having a coach as part of the Unscripted conversations, and when I got the opportunity to, I didn't hesitate to jump onto it.

In our fast-paced, ever-connected world, it's comforting to know that help and guidance are just a click away. Meet Charlotte Jane, your friendly online life coach and entrepreneur who's bridging the gap between Turkey and Dubai. With her warm and innovative approach, she's helping people from all corners of the globe find their path to personal and professional growth. We dive into a conversation that takes us on her journey.

I feel there’s a lot more that goes into being a Personal & Self Development Coach. It takes harnessing that passion. What determined your passion for this career path? Tell us about when you decided this was the way to go.

I studied psychology at university and then became a police officer. I left being a police officer because I felt that I wanted to help people more and I didn't understand why people were doing what they were doing. I then became a high-risk probation officer, and as part of that job role, I had to go to university one day a week and complete a postgrad in probation studies. This was very heavily focused around CBT and solutions-based therapy. I was a probation officer for 2.5 years, but I felt that this wasn't my passion and I felt unfulfilled. I studied to become a personal trainer, and I was about to turn 30 when I decided to take a risk and leave a stable career in probation to set up self-employed. I saved three months' worth of money and decided, "What's the worst that can happen?" I could always go back to probation. 6.5 years later, I have a successful business.When I was personal training my clients, I noticed that most of them struggled with their mindset, and we would often not even step foot in the gym. I would use my previous studies and career experience to mindset coach them. Four years ago, I started to run women's workshops (as I wanted to get over my fear of public speaking!) and then I started to take on solely mindset clients. The pandemic happened, and I discovered Zoom. I have never looked back, as I now have clients in different parts of the world, which I never thought possible. I have relocated and now live between Turkey and Dubai. I coach women and men one-to-one to become their best version and unlock their full potential. I also work within corporate settings to help workplaces with their employees. I finally feel that I have found my passion and purpose, and I love my job and my clients.

A first passion project is always a memorable one. It becomes an imprint on your memory. I still recall mine, all the intrinsic details, how it all came together and the impact it had. Do you recall the first time you worked on something that made you realise you wanted to help people?

It was when people came to me for Personal Training that I realised them wanting to lose weight ran deeper than this and I love to help people understand their reasons why and that it isn't for the reasons that they think. This is when I first discovered when working with PT clients it ran deeper than food and movement and I needed to help people improve their mindset and then the rest would follow. So not one specific instance but seeing numerous people in the same situation. I just love to help people become their best version. It makes me so happy to see the improvements from my clients.

Do you have a weekday routine? What does that look like?

I now travel quite a lot between Turkey and Dubai but I roughly like my routine to look the same. In the mornings I wake up and go to the gym and write my to-do list for the day. I will then have clients and then admin and then I like to fit in a walk or a swim. Then evening clients. It varies day-to-day client times but that is it roughly. I am going to try and start meditating again too as this is great for the mind.

I love to work with processes especially when working with anything creative. When you are preparing to meet with clients, do you have anything of the sort? What is the process you follow with your clients to ensure that they get the best out of your services?

When someone applies to work with me I have to see if we would be a good fit as I won't coach anyone I don't believe I can help. First I have a 30-minute call with the person to see what their problems are and how I can help, establish if it is an investment they are willing to make. Then when we are both happy I send a questionnaire to get to know them further and then we book our first call and start the coaching process. The minimum amount I work with someone is for 4 months as it takes time to establish a connection and also there is a lot to work through with people.

Building a career like yours must have had its ups and downs. Building such a name for yourself, what do you think was your biggest obstacle to overcome?

Self-doubt! Believing I was good enough to build a successful business. The little voices creep in. It's important to acknowledge these but then find the evidence as to why this isn't true and why I will be a success! Acknowledging achievements and success stories and keeping a note of these is so important and then you can refer back to these in moments of self-doubt.

We have some notable career experiences, some great and go down in the books, some not so much. We still take something from it, regardless. Is there a noteworthy experience that felt good for you?

My experience in Police and Probation shaped who I am. I was 21 when I first went into the Police and you had to grow up fast! I have seen things people will never see or comprehend. It was challenging and very stressful but I am grateful for that chapter in my life as I wouldnt be doing what I love now without that experience.

Why are you passionate about the service you provide?

I know I can change peoples lives. I believe in the coaching I offer and I have witnessed amazing transformations within my clients. They have left toxic relationships, rebuilt family relationships, saved their marriages, started new businesses, achieved promotions, grown in confidence, broken free from limiting beliefs. There have been so many amazing results from my clients. They inspire me daily. Just this week I started with a new client and it is my client's husband. He said before we start I just want you to read a message from my wife. And within the message it said to embrace the coaching journey and 'Charlotte has changed my life'. There is no greater feeling than hearing that message read and understanding the lasting changes that client has made.

How do you want your clients to feel after having a session with you?

I want them to come away feeling refocused, have clarity and a sense of direction. Know that they are making progress. Have confidence in themselves and feel mentally a lot lighter.

In unscripted fashion, we always like to end with this one question. Lets say we have 5 rooms with 5 different coaches, how do we know which one you’re in? What sets you apart?

I believe all coaches have something different and worthwhile to offer and I won't be the coach for everyone. But I value my clients, I will go the extra mile for them. I am always available outside of sessions to be on hand if they need me. I also try to arrange fun ways to connect with my clients and so in England I used to run #brunchclubontour and we would go to different locations and eat brunch.

Here are some of the ways to work with Charlotte!

Charlotte has a coaching call called "Refresh 90". It's 90 minutes online. If you feel like you have lost connection with your goals and struggle to see the path to a new beginning (personal or work wise). In 90 minutes, you will work together to come up with a bespoke plan of action as to how you can start to make steps to your new beginning. You also get 1 months FREE 1:1 WhatsApp support from her, where she’ll be on-hand to support you further.

She also releases 2 spots a week for these coaching sessions. It's 660 AED but for anyone reading this, she will offer 15% discount (english money its £145).

Another way…


⁠”Are you feeling lost and that something needs to change for you but you’re unsure where to begin? ⁠

I have developed a 4 month 121 programme just for you.

In this programme we take a look at your personal life and work life so you can thrive in all areas. We eliminate overwhelm and create clarity. This programme will help you to take ownership of setting boundaries and strengthening relationships. We ensure you break free from any limitations enabling you to take on new opportunities you would normally have said no to. I will work with you online for a 4 month period to help you rediscover you and become your best version in every aspect of your life. This is for males and females, if you are self employed or employed, parents and non parents, if you are in a relationship or single. This programme is for everyone and will help you for the rest of your life. Price depends on if it is weekly or monthly.”

You can reach her via email on:


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