Financial Wellness: Healing relationship with money

In the midst of all the buzzwords and endless skincare routines, it's easy to overlook some crucial aspects of self-care. The star player here today- financial wellness. It's not just about saving up or having enough funds; it's about feeling confident and equipped to handle financial hiccups, clearing debts, and having a clear grasp of our cash flow. After all, money isn't just a number in an account; it's also about recognising that money is a tool we use to live our best lives.

I recently learned about financial wellness from a YouTube video, and it's changed my perspective on money. I used to have a fear-based relationship with money, but I'm now on a journey to heal that relationship. If we really look deep into it, money is a trading system. We exchange our life's energy for things that make our lives happier, healthier, and better. How we manage, invest, and spend our money not only dictates our future finances, but it also sends a subconscious message to ourselves about what our life's energy is worth.

If you have a difficult relationship with money, it's important to take steps to heal it. This process starts with understanding your own money story. What are your beliefs about money? Where did they come from? How are they impacting your financial decisions?

Once you have a better understanding of your money story, you can start to challenge any negative beliefs and replace them with more positive ones. You can also start to develop healthy money habits, and here are some that I learnt from the good ol internet.

  1. Money Mishaps: Let's take a walk down memory lane. Remember that time you blew your entire paycheck on those fancy sneakers that now gather dust in the back of your closet? Ah, good times! Embrace these financial faux pas, laugh at them, and let them serve as cautionary tales for your future rendezvous with cash.

  2. Budget: Budgets aren't meant to be stifling. Think of them like a sassy dance partner who knows all the right moves. Allow a little wiggle room for that spontaneous coffee date or the occasional midnight ice cream run. Let your budget be your wingman, not your overbearing chaperone.

  3. Saving: Think of saving as the cozy love nest where you and money can dream about your next escapade. Whether it's that dream vacation or a shiny new gadget, let your savings be the magic carpet that whisks you away to your heart's desires.

  4. Indulgence: Splurging is like that guilty pleasure romance novel—it's thrilling and slightly sinful. But remember, my friend, everything in moderation. Enjoy that decadent dessert or that luxurious spa day without letting guilt crash the party.

  5. Heart-to-Heart Talks with Money: Communication is key, even in your love affair with money. Have heart-to-heart talks about your financial aspirations and dreams. Map out your shared goals and ensure that you're both moving in the same direction. Who knew money could be such a great listener?

  6. Compromise: In the grand orchestra of your financial life, compromise is the sweet melody that keeps everything in harmony. Learn to compromise, not just with money, but with yourself. Strike that perfect balance between treating yourself and planning for the future.

  7. Community Support: Surround yourself with like-minded money enthusiasts and build a supportive community that understands your financial love languages. Share your stories, exchange tips, and find solace in the company of those who speak the same money dialect.

This journey is not about stifling your financial freedom but about fostering a healthy and affectionate relationship with your hard-earned cash. Embrace the quirks, celebrate the victories, and let the vibrant spirit of your financial love story shine through.


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