Bettina Wu: La Chance bistro owner

Being spontaneous is probably one of our strongest suits. We came across some posts on WeChat about something called La Chance. Had no idea what it was, so we moved on with our lives like nothing. Then it popped up again. It still wasn’t clear what it was, but hey, third time’s the charm. We finally realized that it was some sort of a wine bar or bistro, or something along those lines, really. We asked where it was, and the person also shared the contact of the owner. We reached out to her and told her we would most likely come the following day. We were unsure how this would fit into our plans for the week, but hey, you never know. The next day we made it, and it was such a lovely experience, we had to write about it. It’s a charming place on the corner of something and something, and the owner is just such a burst of bubbly energy, you cannot help but be drawn towards her. This energy seems to transmit to the atmosphere of the place. She was kind enough to answer a lot of our questions. We wanted to get to know her more and her bistro too. 
说走就走大概是我们最擅长做的事。“La Chance” 出现在微信朋友圈很多次,我们都不以为意。这一次我们再次看到了它,才意识到这似乎是个很有情调的小酒馆,我们决定一探个究竟。于是我们联系到了它的主人,告诉她我们想在接下来的某天拜访那里。嘿,结果我们第二天就去了。这个地方太可爱了,我们决定分享我们的体验!酒馆就坐落在街角,有着粉红色的外墙,像它的主人一样有充满活力, 我们忍不住被主人的性格吸引,想要了解关于她和她的酒馆的故事。


Who is the face behind La chance? where did it all begin? what inspired you to open this place? La chance背后的面孔是谁?这一切从何开始?是什么启发你开了La chance?

Bettina! Haha, I am Bettina, and La chance is basically my baby. I had my mind to have her after spending many years abroad and admiring bistros. Growing up, I always wanted to have a cafe and a bistro. After a while, I settled on a bistro because I liked to drink and enjoyed the experiences different types of drinks gave to me. I had a friend who was an owner of a bistro when I lived abroad, and when I came back, I wanted to bring that experience of a bistro, the entire aesthetic too! When I moved back to China, I did visit a lot of bistros around the country and saw that most of them had that fusion feel about them. It had me thinking, but I still wanted to create that experience when I lived in France. When I came across the location for La chance, I felt that this was it. This is where it was all going to come together. The place was so charming. I did have many moments where I was hesitant, but after some time, I recall that one week very clearly, I did not sleep, and I kept thinking about it. At that point, I decided I would go for it. I wouldn't listen to anyone. I believed in myself, and that's all I needed. I went for it. I signed the lease, started working on the design, then picking the spirits and wines. And Just like that, my baby was here! 嘿,我是Bettina, La chance可以说就像我的孩子一样。在国外生活多年,欣赏和享受了很多酒馆后,我想拥有一家属于自己的酒馆。从小到大我一直梦想能开一家咖啡厅和酒吧。后来我决定开一家酒吧,因为我喜欢品酒,享受不同种类的酒和饮品。我在海外生活的时候,我有一个朋友是一家酒馆的老板,当我回国我想把我的体验带回国内,最正宗的酒馆。回国后我去了很多全国各地的酒馆,他们大多数给我一种本地化融合的感觉。我犹豫过,但是最终我还是想百分之百制造出我曾今在法国的感觉。我偶然路过现在La chance的地方,被这里吸引了,给我种感觉大概就是这儿了!虽然我也有过很多犹豫,很长一段时间我都不断想起那里,让我不能入眠,我甚至不愿意听别人的意见,我跟从我的内心,这正我最需要的!我决定就是这了,于是我签了合同,开始准备设计,然后挑选烈酒和葡萄酒。就这样,我的宝贝在这里诞生了!

Have you personally tried all the drinks you serve? 你有亲自品尝过你们提供的每款酒吗?

I chose every bottle here and made the recipes for all the cocktails with the help of my partner. He has at least a decade's worth of experience, and we have a certain level of trust between us. I have told him the feelings of the cocktail I want, and some of them I put together by myself. You see, I'm an absolute romantic. I always ask my customers what feeling they want from their drink, like are you looking for something fruity, earthy, or bold, or just to ask what kind of mood they are in. ""How are you feeling today?"" So I choose every wine, and that way, I know what to serve my customers. I am confident with every bottle. It's more than just selling a product; it's sharing the experience. 这里每瓶酒都是我亲自挑选的,我和我的伙伴一起调制了每款鸡尾酒。他有至少十年以上的调酒经验,某种程度上我们非常信任彼此的品味。我会告诉他我想要的酒的感觉,他会为我调制,有的是我亲自设计调制的。你看我绝对是个浪漫派。我常常问客人你想获得哪种感觉,比如果味,泥土芳香,浓烈的,或者问他们你现在是什么心情,你今天感觉怎么样。因为每款酒都是我亲自挑选的,所以我知道什么是最符合客人想要的。我对我们每款酒都很有信心,这不仅仅是卖酒更是分享一种体验。

Your favourite drink on the menu and why? 说说酒单上你最爱的一款,为什么?

I don't have any favorites! It all just goes with my mood. We drink because we want to drink at that moment, and it could be for many reasons. This also the meaning of La chance, which means good luck, chance, timing. So whenever you come here, whether you are alone or with others, the timing, the mood, there will always be something to match that mood.
说实话我没有最爱, 因为每一款都配合着当下的某种心情。我们饮酒,因为当下我们想要享受它,可以有很多不同的原因。这正符合La chance 的意思,好运,机会,和时运。所以无论你什么时候来,独自一人或者和朋友一起,在当下的心情里,总用一款最合适的你酒。


What do you love the most about owning a bistro? 作为La chance的老板,最享受的是什么?

There are two things that I love. Experiencing the weather, rain, or sunshine, watch people walk by, watch every moment as it passes by. Watching life in motion. I feel very grounded and peaceful. Secondly, I get to meet different and fascinating people from all walks of life. This whole idea of talking to people, the communication, I get to hear lots of stories, and I draw so much inspiration. It's charming, and when people return, it feels perfect, like having established this good relationship with my customers.


How does your personality play into your business.


I was lucky enough to be able to travel widely, which contributed largely to my open-mindedness. I was open and still am always open to trying new things. This is something that I want to give La chance. To be able to provide experiences and feelings. This is something that I hope can be adopted at La Chance such that she can even still run on her own when I m not there. I want this place to be for everyone. I remember there was a fine someone who came by. I asked them how they were feeling- And they said they felt sad and wanted something to match that mood. I did have a bottle that tasted a little bitter. I did tell her that at the end, I could hope that she would feel better about her day and guess what if it worked. So the thing with La Chance, when you see her, you should be able to see me as well.

我很幸运去过很多地方旅行,这给了我豁达的性格。我对新鲜事物一直抱着开放的态度。这也是我想赋予La chance的,不管我在不在那里,它都能够给人带来合适的体验。我想让它对任何人开放,我记得有一次来了一对客人,我问他们感觉如何,他们说他们感到难过,想要适合他们心情的东西。我确实有一瓶尝起来有点苦的酒。我告诉她,我希望她最终她能变得开心一些,也许这杯酒能起效。所以关于 La Chance,当你看到她时,你应该也能看到我。

So when did it officially hit you that you are now a business owner?


Oooooh! That feeling! That was the moment I got staff. The entire time I had been doing everything by myself. From cleaning tables. Financial issues, picking the wines, all the admin. I was so exhausted and had little to no help. But that also helped me understand the functionality of the business. And when it eventually came together, finally having staff, I was just like to myself, "wow, she is here." This experience time pulled me into another land where I was able to see the bigger picture of the business. At that point, I started to have customers and staff where l was like, okay, I have a business.


We picked specifically 6 questions because, well, you guessed right, 6 is a lucky number. The number means good fortune, and we wish this for La Chance. So, if you are around the areas of North Shanxi road 670, do check out this place. Perfect for a solo date, perfect for that tinder/ bumble date, that date with your mates, that date with your parents, hey, even the date with your pet! We are really excited about this bistro!

我们选了六个问题,因为你懂的,6是个幸运的数字,我们祝福La chance能一切顺利。如果你在陕西北路670号附近,一定要去La chance看一看,它非常适合一个人去或者和你tinder/bumble的约会对象,或者你的朋友,你的父母,甚至你的宠物。绝对是让人兴奋的一家酒馆。


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