Sammi Woo: fashion stylist

One of the things I absolutely adore about the fashion scene in this cosmopolitan Shanghai, it incorporates luxury, art, and culture… it's the perfect place to explore the elusive idea of personal style. The blending of contemporary popular culture with traditional aesthetics makes this fashion so artistic and refreshing. So many social media pictures filled with a range of stand-out and experimental styles breaking all rules.. or following some. You don't have to be in the fashion industry to throw some serious looks.


One of my favourite things is the markets, especially the Savvy Exchanger market, where I first met Sammi Woo. She is a fashion stylist who knows how to throw down some serious looks, and worth hearing her insights. When I met her, she had a stall at the market, and I was trying to bargain on a dress there. 2 years later, a couple of likes on her Wechat posts, and a friend prompting me to message, I finally asked her if I could write an article on her and she agreed. I am always very excited about getting some insights on different stylists and how things work around them.

我最喜欢的事情之一是逛市集,特别是Savvy Exchanger市集,这里也是我第一次遇见Sammi Woo的地方。Sammi Woo是一位时尚造型师,她知道如何抛弃循规蹈矩的造型,她对时尚的见解很值得倾听。当我遇到她时,她在市场上有一个摊位,而我正在那里试图给一条裙子讲价。两年后,在她的微信朋友圈里有一些赞,还有一个朋友催我给她留言,我终于问她是否可以写一篇关于她的文章,她同意了。我总是很兴奋能得到来自于不同造型师的见解,以及了解他们的生活是如何运作的。

So, tell us a little bit about your background, how you kind of got started as a fashion stylist. What determined your passion for fashion? 那么,告诉我们一些你的背景,你是如何成为一名时尚造型师的?是什么使你对时尚产生了热情?

I grew up in a time when we would collect magazines and go through them page by page. My favourite, especially when I was a teenager, was Elle magazine. To say the least, I was so obsessed with the outfits and the looks. I also wanted to try the different styles, and honestly, I enjoyed this very much and still do. When I graduated from university, English was my interest, so my mum found a job advertisement in the newspaper for an English translator. I went for the interview, which turned out to be a model agency. They were looking for a model agent to work with models from around the world. Of course, I took up the job! Working as an agent was super fun; you meet good-looking young girls/boys from different countries and go to different jobs with them. Help them to solve problems. I did this for almost 8 years, and because I enjoyed this a lot, I stayed in the industry but became a fashion stylist.


Can you remember your first fashion experience? Describe it a bit, whether it is an outfit you put together at 4 years old, or something impactful in your experiences 你还记得第一次和时尚相关的经历吗,无论它是你四岁时拼接的一件套装或者对你有重大影响的经历,简单描述一下吧

I’ve always loved fashion for as long as I can remember. When I was in kindergarten, my mum bought me Barbie. I preferred to dress her in different clothes so we would make clothes for her together. It was so fun and I can still remember the pieces we made. One of my favourites was a black bra top and a high waist A line skirt.


Selecting an outfit can mean tapping into your creative. What’s your thought process when selecting an outfit.

Getting into a space where you are comfortable picking out your clothes takes time and patience. When selecting an outfit, I will first consider the occasion for dressing up. I’ll think about what to match with this outfit and if there’s any other way to wear it. When I select an outfit, I like to make sure it represents my style.

Do you have a signature look? If we had a line up different models dressed by different stylists, how would we know which one was yours?

Accessories are always the first things I’ll look at; a classy simple look with a piece of eye-catching accessories can’t be wrong.

Your first styling experience, do you remember how that came about?

After almost 8 years in a model agency, I thought about going somewhere else to try to see if my life could be different. Then I thought about New York, which I have never been to. I went there and loved it so much! I studied in a language school for about 3 months, then I decided to stay longer since I love the city a lot! During that time, I visited many museums, department stores, and markets and met many interesting people and events like the mermaid parade; I felt like I finally MET the world. I think the time in NYC inspired me a lot; I figured out where I wanted to stay and what kind of lifestyle I wanted to be. I met a Dutch photographer. She was in the same class as my language school; we hung out and did creative shooting there. It could be my very first styling experience. So when I got back to China, I decided to move to Shanghai cause I wanted to live in a city that never sleeps.

Let's say you could travel back in time to one fashion era, where would you end up? What did you like about that period? 假如说你可以时间旅行回到时尚的某一个时期,你会去哪个时期?你喜欢那个时期的什么方面呢?

As I mentioned, accessories are a big part of my aesthetic, and the 80s were big on fashion and accessories. I’d love to travel back to that era, don the puff shoulder pad jacket, a pair of leather pants, and oversized hoop earrings.


What's the best style advice you've received?

The appropriate bare skin can optimize the proportion of the body, such as showing a little waist can visually elongate the ratio of the legs, V-neck can lengthen the face line, and some partially naked clothes will also appear unique and interesting. 适当的裸露肌肤可以优化身材的比例 比如露一点腰部 可以视觉上拉长腿的比例 V领可以拉长脸部线条 而一些部分裸露款式的衣服也会显得特别和有趣

What items do you feel are worth splurging on? And as for deals, everyone loves a good deal, what are some of your favorite places to find budget buys?


Silver jewellery is the item I’ll always buy; I used to wear jewellery only in gold, then someday I just switched to silver which I still can’t figure out why. I’m a fan of second-hand swaps and markets, where I can find unique pieces at a very reasonable price, and sometimes I get them for free!


If you could choose a celebrity closet to shop in, who's would it be and why? 如果你可以选择去一个名人的衣柜购物,你会选择谁的衣柜,为什么?

I have lived vicariously through Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City and indulged in every single episode; Carrie will always be my muse. The fashion exposition on the show always blows my mind. The items she has and how she wears them are all my inspirations. 我曾经代入了凯莉布雷肖并借此深深沉迷于欲望都市的每一季剧集,凯莉永远是我的缪斯,剧中的时尚博览会时刻都在冲击着我的头脑,她的每一件单品以及她穿戴它们的方式都是我的灵感来源。

What is your favorite item in your closet?


A Tiffany blue vintage jacket that I got in a swap. I never found something else with the same colour.


Do you have a style philosophy?.

Always be curious about new things and don't forget to wear accessories!



Elena Barenghi: Interior designer


Vividinit: fashion stylist