Affirmations with Ambrosia Community

A couple of weeks ago, I had a conversation with a really good friend about goals and accountability, with whom I ended up connecting with another like-minded friend. A few days down the lane, we set up SheUp &Rise Support Cycle, a three-month-long cycle that supports and helps keep each other accountable for our goals. All women part of this cycle has inspired me in various ways. I have seen a lot of things a little differently.

One of the key components of this support cycle is a guided meditation at the beginning of every session led by my good friend, Rosanna. She set up Ambrosia Community which also encompasses some hypnotherapy. I remember the first time she led a guided meditation; I kept thinking, "Oh, that's such a good line; I need to remember to write this down". I realised that some of these phrases served as affirmations for me. And I find affirmations very intimate as they almost serve as an ongoing conversation with myself. That internal dialogue with yourself as the day progresses keeps you going.

Every day, knowingly or unknowingly, in the form of affirmations, you give your subconscious mind instructions about who you are, what you can do or be, and what your life means. With an affirmation, you’re acknowledging the power of the words you speak and consciously choosing language about yourself that represents the best of what you wish to be.

So, from the time we started the Monday guided meditations, I told myself I would try to adapt some of those phrases to affirm myself. At first, I was sceptical about the idea of affirming myself. I used to feel like it was so self-indulgent. However, I’ve realised how much of a positive impact they can have on my mindset. Since your thoughts play a big part in your overall success and happiness, finding ways to improve your mindset is essential.

Here are some of my favourite everyday affirmations:

  1. I am receptive to accepting all beliefs about my true self and my true potential, because only I know what i am truly capable of

  2. Who I am is enough, I am valuable, worthy, and deserving to achieve anything

  3. I am secure within myself, confident, and self assured

  4. I am unique in that I am the only person exactly like me, and life has a good reason to express itself through me

  5. Respect and worth are not to be fought for or “earned”, respect and worth are my birthright for simply being

  6. I am the director of my life and i get to decide what i want

  7. Just like a how a stream flows into a river, a river flows into the oceans, I too can become more of who I am by simply following the flow of life

  8. Resting, relaxing and letting go is nature’s way of allowing me to come back to myself

  9. Think for yourself, see for yourself, go in the direction of yourself, stand up for yourself, honour yourself because you are worth it

  10. In a society that profits from our insecurities, dare to fully embrace and accept who you are

If you would want to get in touch with Ambrosia Community, you can reach out to them on:


Romanticising life


Showing up for yourself..